Founder/Lead Servant
In his role as the founder/lead servant, Bishop Robert E Webb II, B.A., M.T.S., (c) THD is responsible for setting the team's mission, values, and goals.
Church Administrator/Worship Leader
In addition to her administrative duties, Lady Latonsha L Webb, A.A., B.S., RMA also serves as the Worship Leader, leading and organizing worship services, selecting music, and directing the worship team.
General Board Member/Ministry Staff
In her capacity as a General Board Member/Ministry Staff, Elder Patricia A Jones, A.A., R.M.A. actively participates in the development and execution of programs and initiatives that align with the team's core values and principles while maintaining her mastery and instructional prowess is ministry and community health administration.
Are you a musician? Singer? Social Media Guru? Are you looking for ways to utilize your God given ministry gifts like evangelism, prayer, service? Do you enjoy community service and support opportunities? Here are a few of the ministry options to consider:
* Musicians
* Singers
* Media
* Prayer Team
* Greeters/Ushers
* Community Outreach/Evangelism Team
If any of these options sound interesting to you, please drop us a note in the Contact Us section and one of our ministry team members will reach out to you as soon as possible.
WCIFC is an interdenominational, Christian fellowship designed with a family oriented, casual yet kingdom ordered worship environment where new and seasoned Christians may come to worship, experience and encounter the power of God in their lives.